💡Upcoming Features

The Meme Arcade is continuously evolving, with several exciting features planned to enhance gameplay, expand the Platform's offerings, and deepen community engagement. These future features will be rolled out during the Beta Platform and Complete Platform phases.

Telegram App + Integrations

A top priority in development are the Telegram bots that will allow for expanded social dynamics. Through Telegram, users will be able to engage with their clans, seamlessly start competitions, challenge other clans to battles, and more.

New Game Releases

The platform is committed to delivering a steady stream of new games, each designed to appeal to different types of players. These new titles will continue to integrate NFTs and Bacon, ensuring that all games contribute to the broader ecosystem.

Mobile Accessibility

The Meme Arcade Platform will start on Desktop, and be available on mobile soon after the Beta Platform launch.

Competitive Play

  • Public Tournaments: Players can participate in paid public tournaments with entry fees, where smart contracts automatically distribute rewards to winners. These tournaments provide a large-scale competitive environment with significant rewards.

  • Quick Start Private Tournaments: Users can create private tournaments among friends and clans. This feature allows for quick and easy setup of competitive events in a private setting, with set-up aided by a custom Telegram bot.

  • Multiplayer Modes: Multiplayer modes will be available, enabling players to team up or compete against multiple opponents.

  • 1v1 Matches: Players can challenge each other in one-on-one matches, staking tokens in secure escrow smart contracts.

Wager System

A key feature in development is wager. Skill-based wager systems that integrate seamlessly with the arcade games through tournament entry fees for example. Unlike traditional gambling, these features focus on skill rather than luck, ensuring compliance with regulatory standards.

The wager system will include safeguards to ensure fairness and transparency, with smart contracts handling entry fee placement and winner payouts automatically.

Social Enhancements

To foster a more connected and interactive community, the platform will steadily release social enhancements such as clans.

Clans will allow players to band together, compete in team-based challenges, and organize their own tournaments. They will also offer collective benefits such as shared rewards, exclusive events, and clan-specific leaderboards.

Customizable Player Avatars

Another exciting feature in the pipeline is the introduction of customizable player avatars. Players will be able to create their own unique in-game representations using NFTs they own. These avatars will be visible in leaderboards, clan activities, and other social features.

Crypto Communities Integration

The Meme Arcade will ultimately integrate other memecoin communities to leverage its features for engagement and growth.

  • Customizable Characters and Controls: Communities can create custom characters representing their memecoins or tokens – these custom characters can be used across all platform games.

  • Tailored Game Themes and Mechanics: The platform offers flexibility for communities to customize game themes and mechanics according to their brand and audience preferences. Communities will have access to all tools including leaderboards, tournaments, and social sharing features.

  • Revenue Sharing and Monetization Options: Communities using the platform can explore revenue-sharing models, where a portion of the platform's earnings from their community's activity is shared back with them.

Last updated

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